Wednesday, November 28, 2012

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Monday, December 12, 2011

If you want Success...?

For out in the world we find ..........
success begins with a fellow’s will;
Its all in a state of mind.
Life battles don’t always go to
the stronger or faster man;
But sooner or later the man who wins
It the one who thinks he can.

c„w_ex‡Z GwU †`Lv hvq .....
mdj †mB-B nq;
‡h cÖej g‡b Pvq|
Rxeb hy‡Ø me©`v wR‡Z hvK †mB
‡h †Zvgvi †P‡q ejkvjx,`yªZMvgx|
‡mB-B wR‡Z †h e‡j
fq Kwi bv‡Kv cvi‡ev Avwg|


Sunday, December 11, 2011

I THINK............!


LOVE has to be realized by heart.In this regard word is useless.

Avwg Avwgb cÖavb ¯^vaxb,
ARvbv‡K Rvbv, A‡Pbv‡K †Pbv, A‡`Lv‡K †`Lv, AkÖ“Z‡K kÖ“wZi †MvP‡i Avbv, Aev¯—e‡K ev¯—e Avi eZ©gvb evsjv‡`k Z_v we‡k¦i mKj Kjyl wbqg‡K mwVK wbq‡g cwibZ Kivi Rb¨ †K †hb  Avgvi ¯§„wZ‡K evi evi Zvov K‡i †eovq|
wbijm †Póv, mvabv, ˆah©¨kxjZvq w`‡bi ci w`b wbi‡e KvR Kivi Rb¨ kZ mnmªevi cwiKíbv wb‡qwQ GK AcÖZ¨vwkZ  cÖej AvKv•Lvq!
‡Kvb GKw`b nq‡Zv c„w_ex Movi Z‡i AvR‡Ki GB ¶z`ª cÖqv‡mi Kvi‡Y c„w_ex‡Z †_‡KwQ e‡j cK…wZi Rb¨ †h KvR Kivi `iKvi wQj Zv Ki‡Z †c‡iwQ e‡j  wb‡R‡K ab¨ g‡b n‡e|

Avgvi GB my`~i cÖmvwi mnmª fvebvi AZ‡j me mgqB nvwi‡q ‡hZvg|

 Avwgb cÖavb (¯^vaxb)
cÖ‡Póv Kvh©vjq,
PUªMÖvg, evsjv‡`k|
01914511597 is my mobile number.